Monday, April 27, 2009

In The Spur Of The Moment

This is a short musical piece that i wrote in the spur of the moment when a little inspiration suddenly came my way two nights ago. After a few rounds of practice, here it is.Though not in top quality and there may be some wrong notes here and there as this is a raw version. So
please bear with me.I hope you enjoy it though.Haha.


  1. Hey dude, let's use this for the mother's day song.Come over to my house for cell or something then we fit in the lyrics

  2. LoL..I think we should do a boy band kinda song genre.Something catchy.I actually got part of the melody already.This friday we'll brainstorm..Haha

  3. i can play ragnarok without falling asleep with this as the BMG. haha!

  4. I would prefer if this remains a musical piece. It would be even better if accompanied by piano and strings. Nice one.
