Sunday, April 26, 2009


We, the SubangLah commitee apologize for not updating this site for some long time due to busy schedules and final exams coming in near. (We have life too you know! xD) Anyways, since this blog is about Subang, I would like to present you, SUBANG RALLY 09!

Subang Rally is an event held annually by Christians Fellowships in the schools in Subang Jaya. Basically, a gathering of Christian students in SJ, under the name of Jesus. And as you see, this year, the theme is PUSH.

Why PUSH ?
As we came together and seek God for a theme for this year's rally most of the leaders and representatives in the room was both desperate and also inspired for a CHANGE. If you followed Barrack Obama's : Change we can believe it Presidential Campaign, you should know by now that everyone is asking for a change, hey even in Malaysia we went through our own changes didn't we, March 8 2008? So yeah, we aren't desperate to change for the sake of changing but we were thinking of having a change for the benefit of the CF and the world around us.

Did you know that God created Adam & Eve
Did you know that Moses led the people out of Eygpt
Did you know that Jesus Died and rose on the 3rd day?
Did you know that as believers we are suppose to pray?
Did you know that as believers we have authority over the devil?
Did you know we should be spreading God's word?
Did you know we are called to be salt and light to the world?
Well I bet most of your answers were like duh or yes yes yes, but I would like to throw this back at you SO WHAT IF YOU KNEW ALL THESE THINGS?

What are you actually doing about it? Our CFs in Subang Jaya have grown and slack and grown and shut down many times through out the years, its either some of us are just couldnt be bothered or as a CF we have totally lost our edge!

Thats why the leaders of Subang Jaya this year wants a PUSH, we want to literally Push Christians to rise up, urge believers to STAND UP, SHOW UP AND SPEAK UP. We need to start engaging our generation we need to start putting our knowledge into full use, we need to start behaving like Real Believers.


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