Saturday, January 17, 2009

Welcome to reality

Here's to my first post here!

Yesterday, i went for a casual interview to work at Harrods. Briefly, here's how it went.

It was for a job at a sushi restaurant in a Harrods owned building (hence, recruitment was under Harrods)

Went for the interview prepared, (eg. shaved head, shaved face, wore nicely ironed black shirt, tie, smile).

Said hi to the restaurant manager, and she gave me this one look, for like half a second, and said, "ok, i'm having my break now, if you would take a seat, i'll be with you in 5 mins"

Came to me and asked me to tell her about myself, and so i did, for like 30 seconds.

Then she looked real serious and said, alright Jason, i'm gonna be honest with you, because you're Simone's friend..(Simone's the friend that works there and recommended them to me)

Basically, she said that she didnt wana waste my time, because the Harrods interview is a long process, and i should be alright for the whole thing except the last part which is the medical exam.

I was thinking, er ok, i should be fine for that hey, its not like i have parkinsons or something right?

And she went, i'll be honest with you and tell you now Harrod's won't accept you because you havent got a nice complexion. They are very strict, you cant have stuff like plmples, spots, scars bla bla.


She was really nice about it though, saying that its really not her place to say, and she felt it was super stupid and unfair how Harrods judge ppl on that basis bla bla bla, and i was like, dont worry, its not your fault..fair enough..

She gave me her email, asked me to send her my CV for jobs at other branches of this restaurant, said thanks, shook hands, left the place.

i didnt think too much about it, and i didnt think i'd be affected by it, but i was.

I've never really been rejected like that before, and more so, on such a basis. Never flunked an interview before, and this one only lasted like 5-10mins.

Well, i'm feeling much much better now, really not affected by it anymore, but hey, it was a good experience that goes to show that we live in a messed up world of falseness.

But what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, and i'm definitely stronger now.

Ironically, you can say that i got rejected coz of 'face-problem'. Heh.


  1. Gosh, that is SO mean!!! realistic world. But hey, they do not know what are they missing... too bad for them. muahahaha...

  2. LOL. oh. reminded me bout your face at the side bar.

  3. i din know u need a plastic face to be able to work in a sushi bar. gosh!! it's ok, not u rugi for not getting the job, it's them who rugi for not hiring u! wahaha...

    reminds me of some friend of mine saying i no kantao and need to 'do up' abit...

  4. haha..yealah..i know..but its Harrods la..what to do?

    oh well..
